- Nerdist: "Meet the Lizard Robot that Could Save Your Life”
- Georgia Tech Research News: "Tiny Limbs and Long Bodies: Coordinating Lizard Locomotion”
- Physics Today: "Evolving robots could optimize chemotherapy”
- Science: "Centipedes, the ‘envy of engineers’, inspire a new generation of robots”
- Georgia Tech Research News: "Air Flow Key to Ensuring Black Soldier Fly Larvae Thrive as a Sustainable Food Source”
- NOVA PBS Official: "Could a "Dune" Sandworm Exist in Real Life?”
- The New York Times: "Behold, the Worm Blob and Its Computerized Twin”
- Live Science: "Thousands of California worms wriggle into super blobs”
- California News Times: "Thousands of California worms wriggle into super blobs”
- Phys Org: "Shape-shifting worm blob model could inspire future robot swarms”
- Frontiers Science News: "Shape-shifting worm blob model could inspire future robot swarms”
- EurekAlert!: "Shape-shifting worm blob model could inspire future robot swarms”
- New Atlas: "Tunneling snake robot takes cues from nature to keep its head in the sand”
- Nanowerk: "Researchers explore the shallow underground world with a burrowing soft robot (w/video)”
- EurekAlert!: "Subterranean investigations”
- Science Daily: "Exploring the shallow underground world with a burrowing soft robot”
- TechXplore: "Subterranean investigations: Researchers explore the shallow underground world with a burrowing soft robot”
- ScienMag: "Subterranean Investigations”
- NewsWise: "Rapid rovers, speedy sands: fast-tracking terrain interaction modeling”
- ScienMag: "Rapid rovers, speedy sands: fast-tracking terrain interaction modeling”
- Bioengineer: "Rapid rovers, speedy sands: fast-tracking terrain interaction modeling”
- Phys.org: "Rapid rovers, speedy sands: Fast-tracking terrain interaction modeling”
- EurekAlert!: "Rapid rovers, speedy sands: Fast-tracking terrain interaction modeling”
- Phys.org: "Time-lapse reveals the hidden dance of roots”
- EurekAlert!: "Time-lapse reveals the hidden dance of roots”
- Scienmag: "Time-Lapse Reveals The Hidden Dance Of Roots”
- Science Daily: "The hidden dance of roots revealed”
- SeedQuest: "Time-lapse reveals the hidden dance of roots - Scientists watch a plant root, then a root-like robot, waggle their way around obstacles to figure out how seedlings get their first foothold”
- Georgia Tech Research Horizons: "Collective Worm and Robot “Blobs” Protect Individuals, Swarm Together”
- Phys.org: "Collective Worm and Robot “Blobs” Protect Individuals, Swarm Together”
- Interesting Engineering:"Researchers Develop Alien-Inspired Robotic 'Worm Blob' Swarms”
- EurekAlert!: "Collective Worm and Robot “Blobs” Protect Individuals, Swarm Together”
- BIG THINK: "Scientists study moving worm "blobs" to create robot swarms”
- Newswise: "Collective Worm and Robot “Blobs” Protect Individuals, Swarm Together”
- ScienMag: "Collective worm and robot ‘blobs’ protect individuals, swarm together”
- Technology.org: "Collective Worm and Robot “Blobs” Protect Individuals, Swarm Together”
- Science Daily: "Collective worm and robot 'blobs' protect individuals, swarm together”
- New York Times: "The Skin-Deep Physics of Sidewinder Snakes”
- Emory: "Physics of snakeskin sheds light on sidewinding”
- SciTechDaily: "Physics of Snakeskin Sheds Light on Specialized Sidewinding Locomotion of Sidewinder Snakes”
- Phys.org: "Physics of snakeskin sheds light on sidewinding”
- Georgia Tech Research Horizons: "Snake Micro Scales Reveal Secrets of Sidewinding and Slithering”
- Bioengineer: "Snake micro scales reveal secrets of sidewinding and slithering”
- EurekAlert!: "Snake micro scales reveal secrets of sidewinding and slithering”
- 15 minute news: "Snake micro scales reveal secrets of sidewinding and slithering”
- New Zealand Online News: "Snake micro scales reveal secrets of sidewinding and slithering – EurekAlert”
- Georgia Tech Research Horizons: "Spontaneous Robot Dances Highlight a New Kind of Order in Active Matter"
- Futurity: "Robot Dances Show How Messy Swarms Get Organized”
- Association of the United States Army: "ON THE MOVE: ARMY SEEKS TO IMPROVE ROBOTIC TEAMMATES”
- Georgia Tech Research Horizons: "Planetary Exploration Rover Avoids Sand Traps with 'Rear Rotator Pedaling'”
- New York Times: "Watch These Rover Models Wiggle Out of Alien Sand Traps"
- Popular Science: "This little NASA rover can conquer sand and steep hills"
- IEEE Spectrum: "Wiggly Wheels Could Help Keep Rovers From Dying on Mars"
- AAAS: "NASA Rover’s Weird Gait Could Conquer Loose Space Soils"
- NRC Handelsbad (in Dutch) : "Nieuwe Marsrobot kan zijn wieltjes ook als pootjes gebruiken"
- SyFy Wire: "This Next-Gen Rover Prototype Reinvents The Wheel To Avoid Pesky Martian Sand Traps"
- Tech Xplore:"Planetary exploration rover avoids sand traps with 'rear rotator pedaling'"
- CNN: "Mini Rover can wiggle and crawl its way across tricky terrain on other planets"
- Science News: "Wiggling wheels could keep future rovers trucking in loose lunar soil"
- Inside Science: "New Gait, Developed on Poppy Seed Soil, Could Help NASA Rovers Explore Moon and Mars"
- SCMB: "Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology introduces first wave of junior researchers"
- Georgia Tech Research Horizons: "Shape-Shifting Robot Built from “Smarticles” Shows New Locomotion Strategy"
- The Engineer: "Smarticle robots built from smaller swarming robots"
- Science Mag: "Watch a robot made of robots move around"
- IEEE Spectrum: "Stochastic Robots Use Randomness to Achieve More Complex Goals"
- Space.com: "Rovers Learn New Gait to Avoid Getting Stuck in the Sand on Other Worlds"
- APS March Meeting Webcast "Moon Walking: Model Rover Has the Moves"
- Nerdist: Because Science "How Dune's Sandworms Swim"
- Science 360 News: Snake research featured in video "4 awesome discoveries you probably didn't hear about this week -- Episode 24"
- TheScientist: "Image of the Day: Making Waves"
- Physicsworld: "Slithering snakes ‘diffract’ like quantum particles"
- GT Research Horizons: "When Sand-Slithering Snakes Behave Like Light Waves"
- PBS Nova: "Let a Snake-Inspired Robot Be Your Hero Today"
- Futurity: "Desert Snakes Mimic Light Waves to Slither Through Sand"
- Science: "This worm’s lifestyle is the stuff of science fiction"
- Science News: "How worm blobs behave like a liquid and a solid"
- Physics Today: "Ants know the secret to avoiding traffic jams"
- Newsomatic: "Fire Ants on the Job!"
- Scientific American: "Freeloading Ants Help the Workflow"
- Popular Mechanics: "Lazy Ants Are Great at Avoiding Traffic Jams"
- BBC: "Ants show 'lazy' approach may be best for digging"
- Washington Post: "Industrious fire ants reveal surprise secret to success: Selective laziness"
- NY Times: "The Secret to Ant Efficiency Is Idleness"
- GT Research Horizons: "More Workers Working Might Not Get More Work Done, Ants (and Robots) Show"
- Cosmos Magazine: "When it comes to collective effort, laziness pays off"
- Science Friday (NPR): "How Fire Ants Avoid Traffic Jams"
- Quartz: ‘Too many cooks in the kitchen’ applies to ants and robots, too
- New Scientist: "Future robot swarms should copy lazy ants who let others do the work"
- Space.com: 'Star Wars' Robots Wouldn't Survive the Real World
- Science Robotics: "Astromech robots in Star Wars"
- Quanta: "Smart Swarms Seek New Ways to Cooperate"

- Georgia Tech Research Horizon: "Complicated Walking"
- Georgia Tech Research Horizon's feature on the MuddyBot: "Skipping forward"
- Physics Today Search and Discovery: Prof Ken Kamrin’s explanation of granular RFT (PDF)
- ABC Radio interview: "How vertebrates first moved from water to land"
- Christian Science Monitor: "Did early land animals get a leg up by using their tails?"
- LA Times: "How tails may have helped ancient animals make the transition from water to land"
- Live Science: "Mudskipper Robot Mimics Ancient Land Animals' First 'Steps'"
- Cosmos: "Tails gave early land animals a leg up"
- Daily Mail: "First animals to set foot on land used TAILS to 'walk': Robot recreates strange waddle of mudskipper fish 360 million years ago"
- National Science Foundation: "Recreating ancient vertebrate's first step on dry land"
- Georgia Tech Research Horizons: "Robot Helps Study How First Land Animals Moved 360 Million Years Ago"
- Science: "Learning to move on land"
- Science Daily: "Robot helps study how first land animals moved 360 million years ago"
- Science News: "Hightailing it out of the water, mudskipper style"
- Smithsonian: "Awkward Robots Show How Tails Propelled First Land Walkers to New Heights"
- Wall Street Journal: "Scientists Use Robots to Study the Evolution of Ancient Aquatic Animals"
- Washington Post: "The Little Mermaid should have kept her tail — it might have helped fish walk"
- Q&A with Prof. Goldman on UT's CNS news: Mr. Sandman: Dan Goldman Snakes Across Dunes of Research
- BBC Magazine: "Snake walk: The physics of slithering"
- Science Magazine: "Fire ants slack off to avoid traffic jams"

- Popular Science: "What rescue robots can learn from fire ants"
- BBC: 'Sand pit' probes walking strategies
- R&DMag: "A light touch may help animals, robots move on sand and snow"
- Georgia Tech press release: "A Light Touch May Help Animals and Robots Move on Sand and Snow"
- Phys.org: "On soft ground? Tread lightly to stay fast"
- Popular Science (podcast):"Your Future Fido Won't Be So Furry"
- Prof. Goldman interview on 'People Behind the Science', June 2015: (podcast)
- Chemistry World: "Glass transition in ant traffic jams"
- NewScientist: "Fire ants roll ‘snowballs’ to dig a tunnel"
- BBC news: "Ants may hold key to improving search and rescue techniques"
- Nature World News: "Fire Ants: How Expert Excavators Make the Best Invaders"
- Guardian/Liberty Voice: "Invasive Fire Ants Excavate Soil"
- Journal of Experimental Biology: "Extreme excavation: fire ant style"
- BBC: "Invasive ants are extreme excavators"
- Georgia Tech media release: "Snake robots learn to turn by following the lead of real sidewinders"
- Feifei Qian's video on the SCATTER system selected for the APS March Meeting Video Gallery, link here
- Georgia Tech media release: "Slick and slender snake beats short and stubby lizard in sand swimming"
- New York Times: "The Skinny on Moving Under Sand"
- Georgia Tech media release: "Snakes and snake-like robots show how sidewinders conquer sandy slopes"
- New York Times: "Secrets of the Sidewinder"
- Science Now: "Sidewinder robots slither like snakes"
- Science: video
- Washington Post: "Creepy robots help researchers understand the mysterious sidewinder snake"
- National Geographic: "Snake Robots Crack Mystery of How Reptiles Climb Dunes"
- National Geographic Phenomena: "Cave-Exploring Snake Robot Gets Inspiration From Sidewinders"
- Live Science: "Snake Robots! Slithering Machines Could Aid Search-and-Rescue Efforts"
- Thomson Reuters Foundation News: "Rattlesnake repertoire boosts snake-like robot's skills"
- LA Times: "Sidewinder snake helps engineers design a better robot [VIDEO]"
- NBC News: "Robot Snake Reveals Secrets of Sidewinders' Distinctive Slither"
- Nature World News: "Unique Robots Reveal Secrets of Sidewinder Snake [VIDEO]"
- Voice of America News: "Robot Takes Cues from Deadly Rattlesnakes"
- Science News: "Rattlesnakes tutor robot on dune climbing"
- Daily Mail: "The robotic rattlesnake that can slither through sand just like the real thing"
- The Why Files: "Secrets of the sidewinder"
- BBC News: "Robot snake learns secrets of sidewinders"
- Nature World News: "Unique Robots Reveal Secrets of Sidewinder Snake [VIDEO]"
- CNET: "Unique Robots Reveal Secrets of Sidewinder Snake [VIDEO]"
- The Register: "ROBOT TROUSER SNAKE stiffens to master slippery mounds"
- Mashable: "Robot Snake Can Conquer Hills and Slopes"
- BBC5: radio interview
- Physics Central Physics Buzz blog: "Robot Sand Snakes"
- NSF Science Now (~2:30 min in):
- Slate: "The Military Is Funding the Creation of Adorable Robots"
- White House video blog: photos of Prof. Goldman at the White House here and here (and at NSF here)
- NSF article about PECASE ceremony "Early Career Scientists and Engineers receive highest honor from the White House"
- White House blog about PECASE ceremony "Inspiring the Next Generation of Innovators: President Obama Honors the Nation's Cutting-Edge Scientists and Engineers"
- Popular Science: "Meet The Physicist Who's Building Snake Robots"
- White House press release on PECASE awards: "President Obama Honors Outstanding Early-Career Scientists"
- NSF press release on PECASE awards: "President Obama honors outstanding early-career scientists"
- Reuters video piece on fire ants: "Scientists dig deep for ants' excavation secrets"
- LiveScience: "'CRAB Lab' Sheds Light on Navigating Tricky Terrain"
- Physics Today Quick Study: "Swimming in the desert"
- NOVA Next: "The Evolution of the Bioinspired Robot"
- Atlanta Journal Constitution article on GT Kickstarter and our Robosaur project: "Georgia Tech taps ‘crowd funding’ to pay for research"
- Science News for Students:"Cool Jobs: Moved by life, Biologically inspired robots travel — naturally"
- Georgia Tech media release: "Model Finds Common Muscle Control Patterns Governing the Motion of Swimming Animals"
- RedOrbit: "Common Muscle Control Patterns Governing The Motion Of Swimming Animals Found With New Model"
- Physics Today: "How Sandfish Lizards Swim Through Sand"
- Georgia Tech media release: "Principles of Ant Locomotion Could Help Future Robot Teams Work Underground"
- GT produced video describing ant project
- LA Times:"Could secret of nasty fire ant tunnels help design rescue robots?"
- Txchnologist: "Robotic Fire Ants May Lead the March Into Future Search and Rescue Missions"
- Science Daily: "Ant study could help future robot teams work underground"
- NanoWerk: "Ant study could help future robot teams work underground"
- Trends soul: "Principles of ant locomotion could help future robot teams worok underground"
- Phys Org: "Principles of locomotion in confined spaces could help fire ant-inspired robot teams work underground (w/ video)"
- Science News: "Principles of locomotion in confined spaces could help robot teams work underground"
- Popular mechanics: "Fire Ants Could Inspire the Next Rescue Robots"
- Wired UK: "Study: ants use antennae to avoid underground falls, inspire rescue robots"
- NBC News Science: "Swarming fire ants could be models for rescue robots"
- Business insider: "Robot Fire Ants Could Save People Trapped Under Building Rubble"
- Inkfish (blog): "Ants Reveal How to Build a Tunnel You Can't Fall Down"
- Robotics Tomorrow: "Study Results Help Develop Robots Capable of Working in Confined Spaces"
- AZoRobotics: "Fire Ant Inspires Subterranean Search and Rescue Robots"
- BioNews Texas
- PNAS First Look Blog: "The ants go falling, one by one"
- National Academy of Engineering and WTOP (Washington, DC) interview (audio): "Ant-Inspired Engineering"
- NSF Science 360 News: "Learning From Ants: Principles of Locomotion in Confined Spaces Could Help Future Robot Teams Work"
- Georgia Tech media release: "Sea Turtles and FlipperBot Show How to Walk on Granular Surfaces like Sand"
- GT produced video describing FlipperBot project
- CBS News "Watch: Robot "FlipperBot' inspired by baby sea turtles"
- LA Times "FlipperBot mimics baby sea turtle's first dash-- all wrists"
- Atlas Now "FlipperBot sheds light on the tribulations of sea turtles"
- ScienceNOW (AAAS)"Video: Meet FlipperBot, the Robotic Sea Turtle"
- Science Daily "FlipperBot: Sea turtles and flipper-driven robot reveal principles of moving on sand and other granular media"
- Smithsonian.com "The ‘FlipperBot’ Is Almost as Cute as the Baby Sea Turtles It Mimics"
- Christian Science Monitor "New robots crawl like sea turtles"
- Huffington Post "Amphibious Robots Inspired By Baby Sea Turtles, Researchers Say (VIDEO)"
- Irish Times "Robot could help turtle conservation"
- Earth Times "Turtle hatchlings as robots?"
- NSF Science 360 "FlipperBot Reveals Principles For Moving On Sand "
- Science interview (audio)
- Discover Magazine (hopping robot) "Building a Better Jumping Robot, Physicists find the secret to more efficient hopping."
- GT media release: ""Terradynamics" Could Help Designers Predict How Legged Robots Will Move on Granular Media"
- GT produced video describing terradynamics paper
- Science magazine Perspective by Prof. Melany Hunt on the Science terradynamics paper "Robotic Walking in the Real World"
- Phys Org "Terradynamics: Technique could help designers predict how legged robots will move on granular surfaces (w/ video)"
- io9 "This off-road robot could help revolutionize the exploration of other planets"
- Science Daily "Terradynamics: Technique could help designers predict how legged robots will move on granular surfaces"
- Business Insider "Engineers Can Use This New Theory To Build Sprinting Robots"
- Smithsonian blog "Video: This Lizard-Inspired Robot Can Scamper Across Sand"
- AAAS "Science: New, Off-Road Robot Inspired by Nature"
- Christian Science Monitor "Bow-legged robot can scamper across rugged terrain"
- Popular Mechanics "Mega Bridge Lizards Will Teach Robots to Swim Through Sand"
- Scientific American blog "Will Next-Generation Mars Rovers Have C-Shaped Legs?"
- The Atlantic "A Lizard Robot to Delight You and/or Haunt Your Dreams"
- Discover Magazine blog "Robot Designed to Run Like a Lizard Over Sand"
- Yahoo "Engineers Can Use This New Theory To Build Sprinting Robots"
- Nature World News "A New Area of Study Emerges at Georgia Tech: Terradynamics [VIDEO]"
- Science News "Custom-designed legs help robots speed over sand"
- LA Times "A lizard robot for Mars: Scientists dream while Curiosity snoozes"
- San Franciscso Chronicle "Robots that can navigate across sand"
- RedOrbit "New Technique Helps Robots Walk Through Sand"
- PopSci "A Legged Robot That Specializes In Scuttling Across Sand"
- Goukr.com (in Chinese)
- Science News (digging ants) "Highlights from the American Physical Society meeting"
- Scientific American Cocktail Party Physics blog (ants) "Tunnel Vision: Probing the Physics of Fire Ants"
- Inside JEB (piece on sandfish muscle activity paper): "Sandfish Swim Effortlessly to Burrow"
- New Atlas: "Two-part “stutter jumps” could reduce jumping robot power consumption"
- IEEE Spectrum: "Stutter Jumping Robot Requires Less Power"
- Mashable: "Layups Could Help Robots Jump Easier [VIDEO]"
- Georgia Tech media release: "Study Shows How a Hopping Robot Could Conserve its Energy"
- Physical Review Focus: "Focus: Robot Shows How to Jump High"
- Reuters: "Robot researchers learn lessons of lizard locomotion"
- Georgia Tech media release on POLS: "Georgia Tech Joins the National Science Foundation’s Physics of Living Systems Student Research Network"
- New Scientist: "Lizard bot shows how to scamper over the sand"
- Physicsworld.com: "Shaken staples stick together"
- APS Synopsis "Synopsis: U-shaped Grains Get Clingy"
- Science Nation "Sandfish Lizard Slithers Into Science Spotlight"
- Georgia Tech Annual Report includes sandfish work, page 3
- Discover Magazine:"Lesson Learned From 9-11: We Need Better Rescue Bots"
- Washington Post: "Tornadoes, natural disasters: How high-tech robots help in search and rescue"
- US News & World Report"Tiltable Robot Head Could Improve Disaster Cleanup"
- Engadget "Sand-swimming robot gets vertical manipulation via doorstop-shaped head (video)"
- Funkmaster Flex "Tech Talk Robotics: Reptile Robot!"
- Georgia Tech media release: "Heads Up, Robots: A Tiltable Head Could Improve the Ability of Undulating Robots to Navigate Disaster Debris"
- Georgia Tech media release video
- Nature News & Views: "Swimming in the Sahara "
- Wired: "Video: Secrets of Swimming in Sand Revealed"
- Science News: "Physics of burrowing sandfish revealed"
- Discover: "How Sandfish Lizards Slither So Quickly Through the Sahara"
- APS Physics Synopsis: "Synopsis: Grainy picture"
- Physics Central Physics Buzz "Swimming through sand: The secret of sandfish locomotion"
- Blog on robot sandfish work by Dr. Robin Murphy at the Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue (CRASAR)
- Blog on sea turtle work by Dr. Al Dove at the Georgia Aquarium "To See the World in a Grain of Sand - Movement From a Turtle Hatchling's Perspective"
- The Telegraph (India) "Swimming Through Sand"
- Physics Today magazine pages: "Plowing through a Granular Medium"
- Georgia Tech media release: "Georgia Tech Bioengineering Graduate Student Wins Best Paper at RSS 2010"
- New Scientist "Lizard-like robot can ‘swim’ through sand"
- Engadget "Lizard-style bot 'swims' through sand, straight into your worst nightmare"
- Georgia Tech media release: "Study Shows How Sea Turtle Hatchlings Move Quickly on Sand"
- Focus (in German)
- Der Spiegel online (in German)
- United Press International "Sea turtles aiding robotics"
- Bild der Wissenschaft (in German)
- Sci-Lib (in Russian)
- BBC News "How tiny turtle hatchlings make their first steps"
- The Naked Scientists "Secrets of a sea turtle's first steps"
- LiveScience: "Physicist: Studying Lizards Since Age 5"
- Photonics Spectra: "Sandfish Lizards for the locomotion"
- Georgia Tech Research Horizons: "Slithering Snakes, Swimming Lizards:"
- Georgia Tech media release: "Study Reveals Sandfish Tucks Legs to Slither Like Snake Through Sand"
- New York Times: "A Saharan Lizard Is a Sand Swimmer"
- Scientific American: "A lizard that swims through sand"
- Science Daily: "Sandfish Tucks Legs And 'Swims' Like A Snake Under Desert Sand"
- RedOrbit: "Sandfish Tuck Legs, Swim Like A Snake Through Desert Sand"
- Discover Magazine: "Lizard Swims Through Sand by Retracting Its Legs & Moving Like a Snake"
- Daily India: "Sandfish tucks legs and swims like a snake through desert sand"
- Thaindian News: "Lizard turns into snake to navigate desert sand"
- AMC TV: "The Snake-Like Sandfish - Desert Swimmer or Dune Sandworm?"
- National Science Foundation: "Study Reveals Small Lizard Tucks Legs and Swims Like a Snake Through Desert Sand"
- San Francisco Chronicle: "Sand swimming in the Sahara"
- Physorg.com: "Study Reveals Small Lizard Tucks Legs and Swims Like a Snake Through Desert Sand (w/ Video)"
- Zootorah: "The Secret of the Stincus"
- IEEE Spectrum magazine: "March of the Sandbots" (page 30 for main story and page 4 for back story)
- Nature News "Robot copes with shifting sands"
- Physics Today "A robot walks sinks, and swims in granular media"
- Georgia Tech Media release "Sand Struggles: Researchers Learn Why Robots Get Stuck in the Sand – and How to Keep Them Going"
- NPR Science Friday(video) and (audio). More Science Friday videos
- Scientific American "Walkabout: Teaching robots to travel on land and sand"
- Science NOW "One Giant Leap for Robot-Kind"
- New Scientist "Why sand is a walking robot’s nightmare"
- Science Daily "Why Robots Get Stuck In The Sand -- And How To Keep Them Going"
- IEEE Spectrum Online "To run nimbly on sand, robots learn from nature"
- FaZhiWanBao, (in Chinese)
- Pressetext Austria (in German)
- Noorderlicht News (in Dutch)
- Breaking Science (BBC, audio) Episode 20 (toward end of program)
- Robot Magazine: "Sand-Clawing Robots
Sandfish work
SandBot work
- Progressive Engineer: "Nature Does it Best"
- Discover Magazine: "The Robot Designed to Master Mars"
- Nature: "Finding the best foot forward"
- PhysicsBuzz: "Bourbon Street Physicists"
- Science Magazine Online: "Crab's Downfall Reveals a Hole in Biomechanics Studies"