- Tianyu Wang is the recipient of a Cyber-Physical Systems Rising Star award. Congratulations, Tianyu!
- Juntao He is the recipient of a Topping Fellowship for research excellence. Congratulations, Juntao!
- Tianyu Wang is the recipient of a Topping Fellowship for research excellence. Congratulations once again, Tianyu!
- Tianyu Wang is the recipient of a C-PIES (Center for Promoting Inclusion and Equity in the Sciences) Award to support his research and career goals. Congratulations Tianyu!
- Tech Xplore highlights Steven Tarr's work on self-propulsion by an oscillating robot via water waves. Read the article here!
- Venny Kojouharov is the recipient of various scholarships and awards, including the Goldwater Scholarship, the Astronaut Scholarship, the Churchill Scholarship, and the Love Family Foundation award. Congrats Venny!
- Tianyu Wang is the recipient of a Topping Fellowship for research excellence. Congratulations Tianyu!
- Juntao He is the recipient of a Topping Fellowship for research excellence. Congratulations Juntao!
- Tianyu Wang won the best poster award for his presentation "A Novel Limbless Robot for Complex Terrain Navigation via Passive Mechanical Interactions" at the Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM) Research Showcase at Georgia Tech.
- Venny Kojouharov won the best oral presentation award for his presentation "Robotic Swimming in Curved Space via Cyclic Body Shape Changes" at the Annual Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium for the College of Sciences at Georgia Tech.
- Harry Tuazon was awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations Harry!
- Kelimar Diaz won the Best Paper in Organismal Behavior and Physiology in the Quantitative Biosciences (QBioS) PhD Program.
- Baxi Chong won the Distinguished Paper in Organismal Behavior and Physiology in the Quantitative Biosciences (QBioS) PhD Program.
- Baxi Chong won the Distinguished Paper in Organismal Behavior and Physiology in the Quantitative Biosciences (QBioS) PhD Program.
- Kelimar Diaz won the Best Paper in Organismal Behavior and Physiology in the Quantitative Biosciences (QBioS) PhD Program.
- Shengkai Li is awarded a CPBF Fellowship [https://biophysics.princeton.edu/opportunities] at Princeton University.
- Kelimar Diaz is the recipient of a Goizueta Fellowship. Congratulations Kelimar!
- Shengkai Li is the recipient of a 2020 STAMI Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations Shengkai!
- Perrin Schiebel is the recipient of a 2018-19 Amelio Award for Research Excellence. Congratulations Perrin!
- Will Savoie successfully defended his Physics PhD
- Perrin Schiebel successfully defended her Physics PhD
- Professor Goldman is promoted to Full Professor
- Ian Tomkinson successfully defended his Mechanical Engineering Masters
- Jonathan Gosyne successfully defended his Mechanical Engineering Masters
- Prof. Goldman attends the “Form in art, toys and games” workshop at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences(Cambridge, UK) in November 2017 link
- Professor Goldman named to a Dunn Family Professorship
- Apoorva Nori won the best poster award for her poster presentation "X-ray computed tomography reveals the response of root system architecture to soil texture" at 2016 American Physical Society Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics at Georgia Tech held on Jan.15-17, 2016.
- Vadim and Daria won best paper award at SWARM 2015 conference in Kyoto, Japan with their paper: Robophysical Study of Excavation in the Confined Environments
- Prof. Goldman joins the Editorial Board of the journal Scientific Reports
- Ben McInroe receives a H. Fukuyo Outstanding Physics Undergraduate Award (one of two) given to the most outstanding undergraduate academic student in the School of Physics at Georgia Tech.
- Ben McInroe is awarded the Roger M. Wartell and Stephen E. Brossette Award for Multidisciplinary Studies in Biology, Physics, and Mathematics from the Georgia Tech College of Sciences.
- Feifei Qian's video on the SCATTER system selected for the APS March Meeting Video Gallery, link here
- Tingnan Zhang is awarded a Bonnie B. and Charles K. Rice Jr. Fellowship from the School of Physics at Georgia Tech
- Prof. Goldman is elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). His citation reads: "For contributions to biological physics and nonlinear dynamics at the interface of biomechanics, robotics, and granular physics".
- Prof. Goldman's undergraduate research mentor at MIT, Prof. John King, passes away June 15, 2014. See obituary here. Prof King was an outstanding physicist and educator, and played a major role in Prof. Goldman's early career.
- Prof. Goldman is named a Georgia Power Professor of Excellence. Pics of the award ceremony:1, 2, 3
- Prof. Goldman joins the Editorial Board of the journal Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
- Perrin Schiebel is awarded a National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG)
- Ben McInroe wins Best Oral Presentation for the College of Sciences at the Georgia Tech UROP Spring Symposium
- Prof. Goldman attends the PECASE ceremony at the White House and at NSF. Photos of Prof. Goldman at the White House with President Barack Obama here and here, at NSF here, and at the PECASE ceremony with Dr. John Holdren (Assistant to the President for Science and Technology) and Dr. France A. Córdova (Director of NSF) here
- John Parker is awarded the H. Fukuyo Memorial Scholarship Award in Physics from the Georgia Tech School of Physics.
- Prof. Goldman receives a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), see NSF link here
- Georgia Tech hosts the 3rd Annual Southeast Regional SICB meeting, see website here
- Sarah Sharpe is awarded the Best Paper Award for the Georgia Tech Bioengineering Graduate Program 2013 for her paper "Environmental interaction influences muscle activation strategy during sand-swimming in the sandfish lizard Scincus scincus"
- Nicole Mazouchova (now a PhD student at Temple University) is awarded the Archie Carr Student Award in the Category of Field Biology Oral Presentation for her presentation at the 33rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation in Baltimore, USA.
- Sarah Sharpe is awarded an Honorable Mention in the Best Student Presentation Program in the Division of Comparative Biomechanics at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting in San Francisco, CA.
- Jeffrey Aguilar is awarded 2nd place in the National GEM Conference Master's Technical Presentation Competition.
- Georgia Tech joins the NSF Physics of Living Systems Student Research Network, GT piece here
- Nick Gravish is awarded a James S. McDonnell Postdoctoral Fellowship Award in Studying Complex Systems
- Paper by Hatton, Ding, Choset & Goldman is a finalist for Best Paper in Biologically Inspired Robotics at CLAWAR 2012
- Feifei Qian wins Best Student Paper for "Walking and running on yielding and fluidizing ground" by Feifei Qian, Tingnan Zhang, Chen Li, Pierangelo Masarati, Paul Birkmeyer, Andrew Pullin, Aaron Hoover, Ronald S. Fearing, and Daniel I. Goldman at the Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) Conference 2012.
- Nick Gravish is chosen to attend the 62nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
- Recent paper by Gravish et. al. published in Physical Review Letters is featured on the journal cover. Cover image here, link to paper is here, and APS Synopsis piece is here.
- Prof. Goldman receives a DARPA Young Faculty Award
- Prof. Goldman receives a GTFire award to create a hands-on "Micro-Labs" course in Nonlinear Science/Complex Systems
- Robyn Kuckuk receives a Georgia Tech President's Undergraduate Research Award (PURA).
- Luis Saldana is awarded H. Fukuyo Outstanding Physics Undergraduate Award from the School of Physics at Georgia Tech.
- Luis Saldana is admitted to the Yale University Department of Physics PhD program.
- Nicole Mazouchova is admitted to the Temple University Department of Biology PhD program. Congratulations Nicole!
- Nick Gravish is awarded a 2012 Georgia Tech Auxiliary Services IMPACT Scholarship
- Nicole Mazouchova successfully defends her MS dissertation. Congratulations Nicole!
- Andrew Masse accepts a position with the Microsoft Premier Field Engineering (PFE) Team. Congratulations Andrew!
- Prof. Goldman gives a public lecture on sand swimming at the Atlanta Science Tavern
- Prof. Goldman receives an NSF CAREER grant from the Physics of Living Systems division
- Chen Li is awarded the Sigma Xi Best PhD Thesis Award at Georgia Tech
- Nicole Mazouchova wins a Travel Award at the Georgia Tech Research and Innovation Conference, Feb. 2012.
- Nicole Mazouchova receives the Boyd Lyon Award for the best student poster at the Southeast Regional Sea Turtle Meeting, February 2012. Picture here
- Nick Gravish wins a 2012 Amelio Award for excellence in research by a graduate
student in Physics at Georgia Tech.
- Chen Li is awarded a Miller Research Fellowship at UC Berkeley
- Chen Li successfully defends his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Li!
- Yang Ding successfully defends his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Ding!
- Yang Ding presents work on head control of vertical lift forces during robotic sand-swimming at the ICRA conference in Shanghai, China in May 2011.
- Andrew Masse receives a Georgia Tech President's Undergraduate Research Award (PURA).
- Yang Ding wins a 2011 Amelio Award for excellence in research by a graduate
student in Physics at Georgia Tech. - Ryan Maladen is awarded the Sigma Xi Best PhD Thesis Award
- Sarah Steinmetz wins a Travel Award at the Georgia Tech Research and Innovation Conference, February 2011.
- Ryan Maladen is awarded an Honorable Mention in the Best Student Presentation Program in the Division of Comparative Biomechanics at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting in Salt Lake City, UT.
- Ryan Maladen successfully defends in PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Maladen!
- Recent paper by Gravish et. al. published in Physical Review Letters is featured on the journal cover. Cover image here and link to paper is here
- Dan Goldman, Nick Gravish, and Ryan Maladen were instructors in the Hands-On Research in Complex Systems School in Buea, Cameroon, July/August 2010 (a few pics 1,2,3, a website soon...)
- Ryan Maladen wins Best Paper at Robotics: Science & Systems (RSS 2010) conference.
- Soft Matter Workshop was held at GT, May 13. Information here
- Dan Goldman receives the Georgia Tech College of Science Blanchard-Milliken Fellowship.
- Ryan Maladen is selected as the Institute for Bioengineering & Bioscience Suddath Student Award winner for 2010.
- Dan Goldman wins a Sigma Xi Young Faculty award.
- Nick Gravish & Nicole Mazouchova win fellowships at the Georgia Tech Research and Innovation Conference, February 2010. (picture)
- Dan Goldman and Nick Gravish were instructors in the Hands-On Research in Complex Systems School in Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 2009
- Ryan Maladen has been invited to participate in the Georgia Tech Graduate Leadership Program
- Nicole Mazouch has been awarded a Georgia Tech Integrative BioSystems Institute (IBSI) graduate student fellowship for 2009-2010
- Lionel London has been accepted into the PhD program in the School of Physics at Georgia Tech and will begin Fall 2009
- Adam Kamor has been accepted into the PhD program in the School of Physics at Georgia Tech and will begin Fall 2009
- Ryan Maladen was married to Laveeta Joseph on Feb. 21 in Hyderabad, India.
- Chen Li wins an Amelio fellowship from the School of Physics, Georgia Tech
- Chen Li is awarded the Best Student Paper in the Division of Comparative Biomechanics at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology annual meeting in Boston, MA.
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