- Collective clog control: Optimizing traffic flow in confined biological and robophysical excavation,
- J. Aguilar, D. Monaenkova, V. Linevich, W. Savoie, B. Dutta, H.S. Kuan, M. D. Betterton, M. A. D. Goodisman, D. I. Goldman,
Science, Vol. 361, Issue 6403, pp. 672-677, (2018)

- Supplementary Movies
Ant (yellow-orange) performing reversal behavior when faced with heavy traffic in tunnel
Cellular automata simulation of ants with Active protocol (equal workload) vs. Lorenz protocol (unequal workload)
Robotic ant following guide line excavating magnetically adhesive granular media
Robotic ants encountering a jam while excavating magnetically adhesive granular media
Comparison of Active (top), Reversal (middle) and Lorenz (bottom) protocols in robotic ant experiments 15x Speed
- Related Press:
- Physics Today: "Ants know the secret to avoiding traffic jams"
- Newsomatic: "Fire Ants on the Job!"
- Scientific American: "Freeloading Ants Help the Workflow"
- Popular Mechanics: "Lazy Ants Are Great at Avoiding Traffic Jams"
- BBC: "Ants show 'lazy' approach may be best for digging"
- Washington Post: "Industrious fire ants reveal surprise secret to success: Selective laziness"
- NY Times: "The Secret to Ant Efficiency Is Idleness"
- GT Research Horizons: "More Workers Working Might Not Get More Work Done, Ants (and Robots) Show"
- Cosmos Magazine: "When it comes to collective effort, laziness pays off"
- Science Friday (NPR): "How Fire Ants Avoid Traffic Jams"
- Quartz: ‘Too many cooks in the kitchen’ applies to ants and robots, too
- New Scientist: "Future robot swarms should copy lazy ants who let others do the work"